How To Get The Invite Code For HackTheBox

Step1 : You must get into HackTheBox by simply typing on the search HackTheBox.

Step2 : Scroll down and press on the ‘join’ button and it should open a section where you will need a code to enter.

Step3 : Right click on your mouse and and press inspect it should open a load of written texts

Step4: Go through the elements tab and you will find a script with source as: /js/inviteapi.min.js

Step5: After that you then should double lick that link and it will then open a whole new tab where there is a bunch of scrambled writing.

Step6: Go back to HackTheBox and go into the invite section again. and load that page on the right again where you have to right click your mouse and press inspect and find the contents.

Step7 : Go on the console section and a skull should pop up and type makeInviteCode() You will get something called a 200 success status.

Step8 : When you click the small arrow alongside data , you will see the encoding type to be Base64.

Step9 : Copy the contents of the data then open up a new tap called Base64 decoder. when you have that opened up you then copy and pase the message you have copied and then decode the message.

Step 10 : 12. So, in order to generate an invite code, we need to make a POST request to

Step 11 : Fire up your terminal. And make a POST request by typing:

curl -XPOST

Step 12 : when you have done that it will then open something like : {“success”:1,”data”:{“code”:”somerandomcharacters12345=”,”format”:”encoded”},”0″:200}

Step 13 : Now we have a code but that’s not the proper code for the invite, so we then go back to the Base64 decoder and decode the last message that we received

Step 14 : When you have finally got your answer go back to the HackTheBox invite area and finally put your code in.

Step 15 : Now you have breached into the private access code and all you need to do is now sign up to become an official member of the Hacker society.

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